Result photos
The three stages of flowering of  viper's bugloss  ( Echium vulgare ), also known as  blueweed . Pinkish-red one is just blossoming, pinkish-blue is the mature one and apparently the road of life has ended for a brown one.
Viper's bugloss - three stages of flowering
Amazingly beautiful flower. I'm not sure, but my field observation shows that it might be  different stage of this (also beautiful) flower .
White flower with pink and purple stamen
The  staghorn sumac  ( Rhus typhina  syn.  R. hirta ) is changing its colors - every shade from green to deep, dark red. The colder, leaves only, but still colorful photo from the same session  can be found here .
All shades of the staghorn sumac
The fruits of the  dog rose  ( Rosa canina ) with the blue sky in the background.
Fruits of the dog rose
I find it very cute - the bug and the butterfly met on the flower. I couldn't find what kind of butterfly is that one.
Meeting of butterfly and bug
The very beautiful flower. Probably a young one, while  the mature one looks even better . Wow.
White flower with pink stamen
Backside of  european Peacock  ( Inachis io ), also known as  Peacock butterfly  which feeds on unidentified purple flower. I guess his masking colors weren't that good... See also
Backside of european Peacock feeding on flower
Warm photo of unknown, orange flower with very interesting petals.
Unknown orange flower
Close-up of  brown knapweed  ( Centaurea jacea ), also known as  brownray knapweed .
Close-up of brown knapweed
Very tiny flowers of unidentified plant. The flower itself has diameter of 1-2 mm, the petals are relatively very small and looks like the duck's foot.
Late, tiny flowers
The lady or  denseflower mullein  ( Verbascum densiflorum;  also known as  dense-flowered mullein )? The lady-alike look (tall, with skirt from leaves, head and a few hands) of the mullein was a important part of Slavic folklore. This photo isn't good, but I decided to share it, as the look of the plant is flawless.
The lady or denseflower mullein?
The back side of  Siberian squill  ( Scilla siberica ) flower.
Siberian squill - flower
 Ivy-leaved speedwell  ( Veronica hederifolia ).
Ivy-leaved speedwell closeup
Closeup of unknown flowers on the bush
Flower of  red dead-nettle  ( Lamium purpureum ), also known as  purple dead-nettle ,  purple archangel , and  velikdenche .
Flower of red dead-nettle
Flower closeup of  red dead-nettle  ( Lamium purpureum ), also known as  purple dead-nettle ,  purple archangel , and  velikdenche .
Flower closeup of red dead-nettle
 Ranunculus ficaria L.  ( Ficaria verna ), also known as    and  lesser celandine  or  pilewort .
Ranunculus ficaria L. flower closeup
Flower of  virdeye speedwell  ( Veronica persica ), also known as  Persian speedwell ,  Common field-speedwell ,  Large field speedwell ,  Bird's-eye , and  Winter speedwell .
Flower of virdeye speedwell
Red flowers blossom on the bush
Closeup of  lesser periwinkle  ( Vinca minor ), also known as  Dwarf periwinkle ,  Small periwinkle ,  Common periwinkle ,  Creeping myrtle , and  Myrtle .
Closeup of lesser periwinkle
Blossoming flower of  mirabelle plum  ( Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca ), also known as  mirabelle prune   .
Blossoming flower of mirabelle plum
Red and yellow  cowslip  ( Primula veris ), also known as  Common cowslip ,  Cowslip primrose , and  Primula officinalis .
Red and yellow cowslip
Detail of  eastern groundsel  ( Senecio vernalis ).
Detail of eastern groundsel
Flower of  eastern groundsel  ( Senecio vernalis ).
Flower of eastern groundsel
Closeup of the flower of  common chickweed  ( Stellaria media ), also known as  little mouse-ear chickweed .
Closeup of the flower of common chickweed
Closeup of white  winter heath  ( Erica carnea ), also known as  Erica herbacea ,  Erica mediterranea ,  Winter flowering heather ,  Spring heath , and  Alpine heath .
Closeup of white winter heath
Closeup of white  winter heath  ( Erica carnea ), also known as  Erica herbacea ,  Erica mediterranea ,  Winter flowering heather ,  Spring heath , and  Alpine heath .
Closeup of white winter heath
Closeup of purple  winter heath  ( Erica carnea ), also known as  Erica herbacea ,  Erica mediterranea ,  Winter flowering heather ,  Spring heath , and  Alpine heath .
Closeup of purple winter heath
Closeup of  groundsel  ( Senecio vulgaris ), also known as  Old-man-in-the-Spring .
Closeup of groundsel
Unidentified white flower
Thymelicus lineola
Two Melanargia galathea
Melanargia galathea on the pink flower
 Hyponephele lycaon  ( dusky meadow brown )
Hyponephele lycaon
 Hyponephele lycaon  ( dusky meadow brown ) on the  Tripleurospermum inodorum  ( scentless false mayweed ,  scentless mayweed ,  scentless chamomile ,  wild chamomile ,  mayweed ,  false chamomile ,  Baldr's brow )
Hyponephele lycaon on the Tripleurospermum inodorum
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